Surface Water Management

💧💧💧 April showers bring...the potential for wet basements. Did you know...90% of the water that ends up in your basement used to be on your roof?
What Can You Do?
Here’s 5 ways to avoid an expensive issue:
💧 Make sure all water is moved quickly more than 6 feet from the perimeter of your house.
💧 All gutters and downspouts should be aligned appropriately and extend away from the house.
💧 Create a positive grade away from the house with high concentrate clay soil to ensure water is not sitting close to the house and percolating down to the foundation walls.
💧 Get a moisture reader. This inexpensive, useful tool will help you determine if you have a moisture issue in your basement.
Don’t call a waterproofing company. They may fix the problem but not the cause. We are always happy to help you find less expensive and longer-lasting ways to address the issue.